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Mindfulness is a word that often is misunderstood. It means to be aware of the here and now, and aims to help people better connect to the world around them. In essence, mindfulness is a technique used to quiet and calm the mind and to center each person.



Mindfulness encompasses a range of activities that can help us to focus on the present. It can include yoga, meditation, peaceful breathing, or even calm exercise, such as walks on the trail, or biking through the woods. 


Aside from the calmness being mindful bring to the body and mind, there are many other benefits to practicing mindfulness. One of them is increased productivity. When stressed, the mind and brain aren't performing at their best, and perhaps less work is accomplished. By being mindful, the mind relaxes, therefore becoming less stressed, and in turn, being able to accomplish more. 

More About Mindfulness:

Another benefit of mindfulness is an improved memory. This goes along with decreased stress. Without worrying about other things, the working memory can be stronger. Mindfulness can help prevent depression and other mental illnesses. By focusing on the positives and what is happening right now, in the present, there are less negative thoughts. Being mindful can even increase happiness, because of the focus on positivity. 


How? Where? 

Great questions. Practicing mindfulness is something that can be done anywhere. Sitting on the bus with a space minute? Appreciate the day, reflect on how it is going, or even give a compliment. Filling the car up with gas? Take in the feelings of the day, send that message to a friend, or just relax for a minute. Recording how each day feels may be helpful when practicing mindfulness. Try one of our journals today! 

Some More Interesting Benefits Found Here:


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