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Single Plan

Three Deliveries per week 

$12 weekly

Our single plan is perfect for anyone wanting an easy way to order meals for the week. This plan includes 3 meals per week, all you have to do is sign up! To sign up, click the button below and send us an email with single plan in the subject line and your contact information in the email. We will take care of the rest! After you are signed up, simply select which meals you would like to receive and check the box for single plan at checkout!

Couples Plan

Up to Five Deliveries per week

2 servings

$24 weekly

Our Couples Plan is perfect for anyone wanting to order meals for two. This plan includes up to 5 meals per week, all you need to do is commit! To sign up, click the button below and send us an email with couples plan in the subject line and your contact information in the email. We will take care of the rest! After joining a plan, just select which meals you would like to receive and check the box for couples plan at checkout! 

Family Plan

Five Deliveries per week

Up to 5 servings

$48 weekly

Our Family Plan is perfect for busy family's who want to have healthy, well-rounded meals each week. This plan includes up to 5 deliveries per week for up to 5 servings. All you have to do is sign up! To sign up, click the button below and send us an email with family plan in the subject line and your contact information in the email. We will take care of the rest! After signing up, just select what meals you would like to receive and check the box for Family Plan at checkout!

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